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MEWS PMS to SAGE (FR) Accounting Integration
Romano Ruijtenburg avatar
Written by Romano Ruijtenburg
Updated over a week ago

This article provides details on the MEWS PMS to SAGE (FR) accounting integration. The accounting integration transfers data from MEWS to SAGE via export files.

Table of Contents

PART 1: Introduction

PART 2: General setup process of the integration

PART 3: Determining the preferred accounting flow: Closed flow or Consumed flow

PART 4: Finish your MEWS (accounting) setup

PART 5: (Accounting) information necessary to build the MEWS to SAGE integration

PART 6: Reconciliation of export files

PART 1: Introduction

It is important to notice that the MEWS PMS to SAGE Accounting integration is somewhat different from our other accounting integrations due to the many versions and importing possibilities that SAGE is offering. We have experienced that due to the high flexibility offered by SAGE, our clients have a broad range of expectations regarding the accounting files that the Omniboost integration can generate.

For some clients, a very standard accounting file with basic revenue, payment, and VAT information is sufficient. For others, specific accounting flows need to be implemented and additional columns containing detailed information added to the accounting files.

The degree to which your requested accounting flow and required accounting information are familiar to us, will determine the process length of building and testing the MEWS to SAGE FR accounting integration for your hotel. Once all information is clear, your Omniboost contact person will share this information with the Omniboost Development Team. Following the Development Team's analysis, we will be able to provide you details regarding the required development work and length of the process. The general rule of thumb here is that the less custom work is involved in building the integration, the faster the integration can get up and running.

Please note that generally, the onboarding and setup process of a MEWS to SAGE FR accounting integration takes significantly more time than the process of other accounting integrations offered by Omniboost. On the other hand, this means that ultimately the integration can provide you with data files which are perfectly suited for an import into your SAGE accounting environment.

PART 2: General setup process of the integration

The start-to-end process of the MEWS to SAGE FR accounting integration goes as follows:

2.1 Request the SAGE Exports integration from the MEWS Marketplace

Omniboost will automatically receive the integration request and consequently reach out to you.

2.2 Share your preferred accounting flow with Omniboost

Please see PART 3 of this article.

2.3 Finish your MEWS (accounting) setup

Please see PART 4 of this article.

2.4 Provide the necessary (accounting) information with Omniboost

Please see PART 5 of this article.

2.5 Omniboost to build the accounting integration

Once the preferred accounting flow and required accounting information are available, the process of building the MEWS to SAGE FR accounting integration by the Omniboost Development Team can start.

2.6 Omniboost to send test files to your accounting department and verification of these files by your accounting department

Once there is accounting data available in the MEWS Accounting report (or Bills & Invoices report), the integration is able to generate a test file(s). These test files will be sent over to you by email and can be verified by your accounting department.

In case your SAGE environment does not accept the import of the test file and returns an error notification, please share this error notification (or your feedback in general) with your Omniboost contact person. The Omniboost Development Team can then make the necessary adjustments. This step of back-and-forth feedback could repeat itself several times and is depending on whether any extra requests are done by the client.

2.7 Integration to be activated by Omniboost (files will be sent over automatically to your accounting department)

Once your accounting department has verified the test file(s) and the files are correct, your Omniboost contact person can activate the accounting integration. This means that the integration will fully automatically generate and send over the files to the recipient list of email address(es) provided by you. This will happen on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

PART 3: Determining the preferred accounting flow: Closed flow or Consumed flow

Before Omniboost can build the MEWS to SAGE FR accounting integration, you need to specify your preferred accounting flow. Please see PART 2 of this article named ‘Supported Accounting Flows’ and let us know which accounting flow you prefer.

PART 4: Finish your MEWS (accounting) setup

Before Omniboost can test the MEWS to SAGE FR accounting integration, you need to specify finish your MEWS (accounting) setup. Please see PART 1 of this article named ‘MEWS Accounting setup’.

PART 5: Necessary (Accounting) information

In order to correctly transfer the accounting data from MEWS to SAGE FR, several pieces of accounting information are required. Please find those items below and provide them to your Omniboost contact person.

5.1 Please share your specific version of SAGE FR

SAGE is an accounting platform which supports several versions. Examples of these versions are:

  • SAGE 100

  • SAGE 100C

  • SAGE BOB50

  • SAGE 50

  • Etc.

Because each of these versions has its own standards and requirements, we would like to know the exact version of SAGE that your hotel is using.

5.2 Do you have an example file(s) available?

The actual development work of the integration can start via two ways:

  • You have an example file(s) available which you can import into your SAGE environment

    • Please provide this file with us. It will help the Omniboost Development Team in their analysis.

  • You have no example file(s) available

    • Either Omniboost will analyse its own stack of existing MEWS to SAGE FR integrations. We will try to identify an existing accounting integration with your SAGE version, and provide you with an example file.

    • Or Omniboost can start development work based on official (export file) documentation from the SAGE website.

Once it is determined which of the above options works best for you, your Omniboost contact person will be able to provide you details regarding the required development work and length of the process. For any of the above options, please note that the degree to which the required accounting information and file format are familiar to us, will determine the process length of building and testing the MEWS to SAGE FR accounting integration for your hotel.

5.3 Do you prefer a Closed or Consumed accounting flow?

Please see PART 3 of this article.

In case you have provided us with an example file, we can usually determine ourselves whether you prefer a Closed or Consumed accounting flow. Still, your Omniboost contact person will ask you for confirmation of your preferred flow.

5.4 Please provide us a Guest Ledger account code. Please see this article which explains the guest ledger account.

Please note that the Guest ledger account should not be created in MEWS. Instead, please provide us the guest ledger account code so that we can enter it into the accounting integration.

It is not always necessary to provide us with a Guest ledger account code. In the case of Closed accounting flows for example, it is generally not necessary to use a Guest Ledger account code. Your Omniboost contact person will be able to determine whether a Guest ledger account needs to be used or not.

5.5 Please let us know whether the accounting files should include Accounts Receivable (A/R) information.

Accounts Receivable information consists of invoices and the information of the corresponding debtor accounts.

Please let us know whether you would like this information to be included in the accounting files that you import into your SAGE environment.

In case you have provided us with an example file, we can usually determine ourselves whether you would like Accounts Receivable information to be included. Still, your Omniboost contact person will ask you for confirmation regarding A/R information.

5.6 Please let us know how many digits debtor numbers should be

In case you want the integration to include Accounts Receivable information in the SAGE accounting files, we can let the accounting integration generate debtor numbers.

The integration is able to determine the length of debtor numbers. For example, 7-digits or 8-digits. Please let us know how many digits you would like debtor numbers to be.

5.7 Please let us know whether debtor numbers should have a prefix

We can also let the integration determine a (fixed) prefix for debtor numbers. For example, if you want every debtor number to start with the number 20, we enter 20 as prefix in the accounting integration. Please note that you are not required to choose a prefix for debtor numbers.

5.8 Please provide us VAT (= TVA) ledger accounts codes

In France, VAT (= TVA) is applied to hotel revenues. We have built a VAT mapping in our accounting integrations to ensure a correct transfer of VAT amounts to SAGE FR.

By default, the integration posts VAT amounts to VAT ledger accounts which exist in the chart of accounts of your SAGE environment. These ledger accounts are entered by Omniboost in the integration's mapping. We therefore ask you to provide us with a ledger account code for each VAT rate applicable to your hotel revenues. It is also possible to use the same ledger account code for multiple VAT rates.

Please note that the above-mentioned VAT ledger accounts should not be created in your MEWS environment.

5.9 Please provide us a Fallback ledger account for revenues.

Please see this article for a detailed explanation regarding the fallback ledgers.

5.10 Please provide us a Fallback ledger account for payments.

Please see this article for a detailed explanation regarding the fallback ledgers.

5.11 Do you prefer daily, weekly, or monthly export files?

The MEWS to SAGE FR accounting integration is able to generate and send over daily, weekly, or monthly export files. Please let your Omniboost contact person know which frequency you prefer.

5.12 Please provide us your preferred file format

Standard file formats include .CSV, .xls, .TXT, and more. Please let your Omniboost contact person know which file format you prefer.

5.13 Please provide us the email address(es) to which we should send the export files.

Please note that you can provide as many email address(es) as you want.

The below summarizes the required accounting information described above.

SAGE version

Example file available: Yes or No

Accounting flow: Closed or Consumed?

Guest ledger account

Accounts Receivable information: Yes or no

Debtor number length

Debtor number prefix

VAT Ledger Account codes

Fallback ledger account for Revenues

Fallback ledger account for Payments

Daily, Weekly, or Monthly export files

File format

Email address(es)

PART 6: Reconciliation of export files data with MEWS PMS data

In case the integration runs on a Closed accounting flow based on journal entries or Consumed accounting flow, MEWS accounting data can be reconciled with the SAGE file as sent over by the Omniboost accounting integration by looking at the MEWS Accounting Report.

Please note that by default, we let the accounting integration extract data from the Accounting report on a 12:00AM to 12:00AM basis (as seen in the below images). In this case, we therefore consider 12AM to be the end-of-day for your hotel.

In case you would prefer a different end-of-day (for example 02:00AM, which means that we extract data from the Accounting report on a 02:00AM to 02:00AM basis) please reach out to your Omniboost contact person.

In case the integration uses a Closed accounting flow (based on journal entries), you should run the Accounting report as follows:

In case the integration uses a Consumed accounting flow, you should run the Accounting report as follows:

In case the integration runs on a Closed accounting flow based on Bills and Invoices,

MEWS accounting data can be reconciled with the data in the SAGE files as sent over by the Omniboost accounting integration by looking at the MEWS Bills & Invoices overview.

Please note that the MEWS Accounting report shows revenues (and payments) based on an accounting category level. The Bills and invoices overview provides the same information; however, it does so based on the level of individual bills and invoices.

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