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MEWS to M3 Accounting integration | Guest-and Deposit ledger reconciliation
Romano Ruijtenburg avatar
Written by Romano Ruijtenburg
Updated over a week ago

Included in the accounting entries that are sent over from MEWS PMS to M3 by the Omniboost accounting integration, are (amongst others) Guest- and Deposit ledger starting- and beginning balances, as well as their actual movements. Please find below how these entries can be reconciled with MEWS data.

Guest ledger balances and movement

The below entries are sent over from MEWS to M3:

  1. Beginning Guest ledger

  2. Ending Guest ledger

  3. Guest ledger movement

Naturally, the Guest ledger movement is equal to (Ending Guest ledger - Beginning Guest ledger)

These entries can be reconciled by looking at the Accounting ledger in MEWS. More specifically, if we want to reconcile the Guest ledger entries for a certain day X, we run the Accounting ledger in MEWS for that day X and the following day Y.

For example, if we want to reconcile the Guest ledger entries sent to M3 for September 1st, we run the Accounting ledger for September 1st and September 2nd.

The Accounting ledger can be found in MEWS as follows:

And should be ran according to the parameters below:

Mode: Detailed

Type: General

Date: depending on the day you would like to reconcile (the below example shows September 1)

Time: 12:00 AM

Group by: Customer

Tax: Included

The Guest ledger entries included in the data sent from MEWS to M3 on September 1st will therefore be as follows:

  1. Beginning Guest ledger: 4041.80 USD (as seen in the Accounting ledger of September 1)

  2. Ending Guest ledger: 5550.47 USD (as seen in the Accounting ledger of September 2)

  3. Guest ledger movement: (5550.47 - 4041.80) = USD 1508.67

Deposit ledger balances and movement

Similarly to the Guest ledger analysis, Deposit ledger entries can be reconciled by looking at the Accounting ledger in MEWS.

The below entries are sent over from MEWS to M3:

  1. Beginning Deposit ledger

  2. Ending Deposit ledger

  3. Deposit ledger movement

Naturally, the Deposit ledger movement is equal to (Ending Deposit ledger - Beginning Deposit ledger)

Similar to the Guest ledger entries, the above entries can be reconciled by looking at the Accounting ledger in MEWS. More specifically, if we want to reconcile the Deposit ledger entries for a certain day X, we run the Accounting ledger in MEWS for that day X and the following day Y.

For example, if we want to reconcile the Deposit ledger entries sent to M3 for September 1st, we run the Accounting ledger for September 1st and September 2nd.

The Accounting ledger can be found in MEWS as follows:

And should be ran according to the parameters below:

Mode: Detailed

Type: General

Date: depending on the day you would like to reconcile (the below example shows September 1)

Time: 12:00 AM

Group by: Customer

Tax: Included

The Deposit ledger entries included in the data sent from MEWS to M3 on September 1st will therefore be as follows:

  1. Beginning Deposit ledger: 15682.61 USD (as seen in the Accounting ledger of September 1)

  2. Ending Deposit ledger: 15875.89 USD (as seen in the Accounting ledger of September 2)

  3. Deposit ledger movement: (15875.89 - 15682.61) = USD 193.28

Please note that export schedules which are setup in your MEWS environment allow the integration to send over balance movements to M3. These export schedules run on a daily basis, and run information from the previous day. Please also see attached image.

It is important to know that these Export schedules retrieve information from balances in the Accounting ledger, and the Accounting ledger itself is affected by accounting items.

The Accounting Editable History Window (AEHW) determines how much time there is available to make modifications to accounting items in MEWS. Please also see the image below.

Because the Export schedules run on a daily basis and run information from the previous day, we would like to ask you to to set the AEHW to a maximum of 1 day in MEWS. This is because an AEHW of more than one day could mean that Accounting ledger balances and therefore the information generated by the Export schedules, is affected after the integration has already pushed the data to M3. This would mean that the data pushed to M3 is not similar to the entries in the MEWS Accounting ledger for that day. Of course, we would like to prevent any of such discrepancies between MEWS and M3 from occurring.

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