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All CollectionsCloudbeds Financial Integrations
Cloudbeds Hospitality Accounting made easy
Cloudbeds Hospitality Accounting made easy
Kees Zorge avatar
Written by Kees Zorge
Updated over a week ago

Accounting Platforms provided for Cloudbeds:
At this moment we offer integrations for QuickBooks, M3, Datev and Yardi. Please contact us if you have another accounting platform you'd like to see integrated. Click here for the full list of Omniboost integrations.

Frequency financial data sync from Cloudbeds to Omniboost
Our platform offers you the choice to have your data synced on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The choice is yours!

Cloudbeds data is leading
Since Omniboost pulls all the relevant data for financial integrations directly from Cloudbeds, please make sure you have a proper setup available in Cloudbeds. Please be aware that deletes and updates regarding taxes, payments or revenue will directly affect your financial integration via Omniboost. 

Not all accounting platforms are setup the same. Some platforms can easily connect via a direct integration. Others will rely on imports that are automatically created via the Omniboost platform. Most accounting platforms however need or contain at least the following datasets:

 Revenue;
 VAT;
 City tax;
 Payments;
 Movement of the guest ledger.

When we add to all this information additional information from the accounting
software, we have some options for you to consider. Some of that information is mandatory, some is based on client specific wishes. The information we
can add to the integration is:

  • Currency.

  • Journals: general journal, sales journal, cash journal.

  • VAT-rates.

  • VAT-codes.

  • Fallback ledgers.

  • Guest ledger.

  • Description on the journal line for the guest ledger.

  • Debtor control.

  • Debtor prefix.

  • Payment conditions.

  • Cash.

  • Cost centers.

  • Cost bearers.

A brief explanation of some of the points listed above.

Fallback ledgers
Occasionally it happens that in the PMS system something is not correctly configured. This results in the fact that that information is not connected to the right ledger account code and therefore it could not be processed. In that case we use fallback ledgers for revenue and for payments to still be able to generate a valid journal entry.

Guest ledger
The guest ledger could contain two types of information. In the first place the revenue which is consumed by customers but have not been charged yet. This will be stated debit on the ledger account. Secondly it could contain the pre payments of customers which would be stated credit. Sometimes these two things are separated to two different ledger account codes depending on the ways for the PMS to process and report this information.

Debtor control
Debtor control can be done in the PMS system or in the accounting software. If the client prefers to do the debtor control in the accounting software, we send over all unpaid invoices to the accounting software so that the client can perform debtor control in the accounting

When all the required information is collected, we translate all this information to valid journal entries, based on the preferences of the client. We do this on a daily basis.

One of the important things is that the information that is send to the accounting software matches the reports form the PMS exactly. This saves a lot of time for administrators and controllers, because they do not have process this information manually anymore. Also, it saves time for the accountant to check whether everything is right because they can easily verify the accounting software with the PMS reports.

Another benefit of our solution is a lot more transparency in the balance sheets of the
accounting software itself. All suspense accounts are easily being balanced, the movement on the guest ledger and deposit ledger is processed and debtor control is clear and final.

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