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RoomRaccoon PMS Environment Configuration

Configuring your RoomRaccoon PMS accounting setup

Roadie/Daniel/Damien avatar
Written by Roadie/Daniel/Damien
Updated over a year ago

The accounting mapping of your revenue and payment ledgers is done in your Room Raccoon environment.

Revenue ledger mapping

Revenue mapping can be accessed from main menu on the left-hand side of your Room Raccoon profile.

1. Click on the Property Setup icon.

2. On the next screen, click the Ledgers tab.

3. Here you will be able to see and manage the full list of all of your existing ledgers as well as add a new one via the +NEW LEDGER button in the top right corner.

All of your Room Raccoon ledgers MUST have the correct account code, VAT percentage and VAT code (if applicable) assigned before you will be able to continue with the onboarding process.

This is important because if any of this information is missing (such as the Ledger for Breakfast in screenshot below), the integration will error out when attempting to post any revenue related to that ledger.

Payment ledger mapping

Just like your revenue ledgers, to ensure the integration functions correctly, you must also configure your payment ledgers. The Room Raccoon team can assist you with completing your mapping once the connection has been established.

To manage your payment ledgers, click on the Settings icon in the bottom left-hand corner of your Room Raccoon dashboard. From the options at the top of the Settings screen, select the Connectivity tab.

The following screen will show you the list of all of the active connections at your property.

For each of the payment types listed, enter the ledger account code or select it from the drop-down menu (if applicable).

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