Creating the Charge to Room Payment Method
Before you can setup the integration, you have to create the Charge on Room payment method in your Lightspeed backoffice.
1) Navigate to the backoffice and log in.
2) Go to Configuration > Settings > Payment Methods.
3) Click + Add a payment method.
4) Select the payment method type: Charge to Room.
5) Assign the payment type a name and accounting reference (optional).
*NOTE: the code must remain IKPMS*
6) Set the PMS Server to Other.
7) Save the payment method.
Add the Payment Method to a Configuration
The payment method must be added to a device configuration for it to be accessible in the app. Go to Configuration > Configurations to manage this setting. Scroll down to Payment methods to allow and ensure that the newly created payment method is highlighted. Reload the configuration on a device to begin using the Charge to Room payment method.
Setup the integration in the Omniboost POS Connector
Step 1: POS Settings
We will send you the credentials for the Omniboost POS Connector. When you open the POS Connector for the first time, click on setup integration. You will see the Connect button for connecting to Ikentoo. You have to login with your Ikentoo credentials. Next, select your company and click Select company. This page will show up:
You have to select the On Room Payment Type and you have to fill in the Tip Name. This is the name which will show up in the PMS when Tips are sent over. After completing this settings page, click Step 2.
Step 2: PMS Settings
The next page is the PMS Settings page. This page contains the following fields:
First, you have to select the Default Analisys Code. When a specific Ikentoo category is not mapped yet, it will be send over to this code. Same for the Default Payment Code when a payment method is not mapped in the Omniboost POS Connector, the payment will be send over to the default code.
Next, you have to select the Tip code, this code will be used when sending over Tips to the PMS. After that, you have to select the Timezone and End Of Day. This will be used when the Full Revenue push is send over to the PMS. This will be done at your specific End Of Day.
The next step is completing the Header Mapping which are exemplified below.
On the left side you have to select the Header. On the right side you have to select the categories. If you want to select more categories, hold control or command and select multiple categories.
Note: Rate plan headers are designed to offer a rolled-up summary display of granular charges that are not necessarily welcome or necessary to display individually on the guest invoice. To make the most of this feature, it's helpful to set up analysis code(s) that will be used explicitly for the header. Simply choosing a random analysis code could lead to confusion.
Example of how it should be done:
RESTAURANT Restaurant Postings Chk No. 12345
Child Transactions:
REST_DRINKS Champagne 125ml
REST_FOOD Vegan Beetroot Burger
Example of incorrect setup:
REST_DRINKS Restaurant Postings Chk No. 12345
Child Transactions:
REST_DRINKS Beer Blonde 500ml
REST_FOOD Vegan Beetroot Burger
In summary:
When planning the code structure to be used with the EPOS interface, the PMS should ideally have an analysis code to describe each service area and a list of codes that will be used for child transactions to describe the actual sale item which matches the categories available in the EPOS.
The following field in this page are the Time Mappings:
This shift ID will be send over to the PMS. Select the Start and the End time and the specific Shift ID.
After completing all the fields on the PMS Settings page, you have to click Submit. You can always go back to the settings page by clicking on the screwdriver right on top.
The final step is completing the mapping which looks like the screen below:
On the left side you see the categories from the POS and on the right side the accounting categories from the PMS. You can link those categories by selecting the right PMS Category.
On the top of the page, you will see the different POS floors. If you click on a specific floor, you can complete the mapping for the specific floor. When all the categories are filled in, you can click on Save mapping & connect to Omniboost.
Voila, you’re connected to the interface!